Improving the lives of pastors in Latin America, so they can help their communities thrive

Latin American Pastors toil in an already difficult context

Pastoring is hard work and especially in Latin America, where pastors face additional challenges due to their context. This Includes inadequate salaries, poor living conditions, persecution and a lack of access to essential services such as healthcare and education.

We meet critical & urgent physical, spiritual and emotional needs for pastors and their families. By enhancing their quality of life, they can better serve their communities and advance God’s Kingdom in a better way.

“Latin America is a suffering, yet hopeful continent. It’s people bear on their brows the marks of the affliction of social and personal sin. Yet Latin America has never lost hope. Where sin abounds, Paul says, grace abounded all the more.”

— Orlando Costas

We have supported pastors in several states in Mexico. In the next several years we plan to help in more states of Mexico, yet the objective is to expand to Latin America,

Would you consider joining us in this vision?

“A global church developing new partnerships for mission faces an impossible task, but God is the God of the impossible.”

— Samuel Escobar